April 5, 2016 9.17 am This story is over 100 months old

Firefighters to stage rally over proposed downgrading of Lincoln fire station

A union representing firefighters in Lincolnshire has organised a street rally against plans to downgrade a Lincoln fire station. As previously reported, a consultation launched by Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue on March 1 has proposed altering the shift patterns at Lincoln South fire station, so that firefighters are only on the base during the day…

A union representing firefighters in Lincolnshire has organised a street rally against plans to downgrade a Lincoln fire station.

As previously reported, a consultation launched by Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue on March 1 has proposed altering the shift patterns at Lincoln South fire station, so that firefighters are only on the base during the day and on call within five minutes at night.

Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue has estimated that response times could rise by two minutes between 6.30pm and 7.30am, which has been met with anger by some firefighters and the Lincolnshire Fire Brigades Union.

Now, the union has called for residents to take to the streets in protest at the suggested changes.

The protest will take place on Saturday, April 9 from 10am outside the war memorial on Lincoln High Street.

Ben Selby, FBU chair in Lincolnshire, said: “In an emergency every second counts. A five minute increase in response times may sound minimal but it can be the difference between life and death.

It is irresponsible to take any action that could raise response times by that much. These proposals will leave a trail of devastation for public safety in our county.

Firefighters will be joined by other protesters and activists at the event, who have expressed concerns about the proposals.

Lincoln and District TUC Secretary Nick Parker. Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Lincoln and District TUC Secretary Nick Parker. Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Nick Parker, spokesperson for Lincoln TUSC, said: “We are proud to support the firefighters in Lincolnshire organised in the FBU in their campaign against these dangerous cuts.

“The proposals for Lincoln South fire station will mean response times will get longer. Firefighters won’t be based at the fire station overnight and could be up to five minutes away.

This will put lives at risk when every second counts.

“TUSC urges everyone who values their fire and rescue services to join the FBU in opposing these cuts plans. Sign the petition, complete the consultation, and let’s take to the streets on Saturday against dangerous fire service cuts.”