June 9, 2016 10.20 am This story is over 103 months old

Lincoln NHS workers take on mammoth walking challenge for blind veterans charity

Keen walkers, Steve Allen and Julie Martin will be trekking 62 miles in 24 hours in aid of Blind Veterans UK on Saturday, June 18. The duo, who are promoting their walk on their Facebook page, work as Operating Department Practitioners at Lincoln County Hospital. They began looking for a new walking adventure, when they…

Keen walkers, Steve Allen and Julie Martin will be trekking 62 miles in 24 hours in aid of Blind Veterans UK on Saturday, June 18.

The duo, who are promoting their walk on their Facebook page, work as Operating Department Practitioners at Lincoln County Hospital.

They began looking for a new walking adventure, when they discovered the Yorkshire 100km challenge.

The Yorkshire route takes challengers around the whole of Yorkshire and the Peak District, where they will walk through the day and night testing their strength and motivation.

Photo: ODP Trekkers 2 Facebook Page

Photo: ODP Trekkers 2 Facebook Page

The pair have already locked up over 140 miles in training walks, which is the equivalent of walking from Lincoln to London.

Julie said: “I’m keen to get started after all our training, but I think my boots will be ready for the bin when we’re done”

Steve added: “I’ve been ready for a few weeks now, looking forward to the challenge.”

The duo will only stop for food and bathroom breaks throughout the walk with the aim to raise as much money as they can for this worthy cause.

You can help them reach their target of £600 on their JustGiving Page.