July 26, 2016 2.21 pm This story is over 95 months old

Skegness burglar jailed for stealing dead woman’s jewellery

A burglar who stole “sentimental” jewellery when he targeted a house he had previously raided, has been jailed at Lincoln Crown Court for 16 months. Anthony Robertson checked that the occupiers of the property were out before climbing over back garden fences to reach the two-bed mid-terraced house in Grosvenor Road, Skegness. Phil Howes, prosecuting,…

A burglar who stole “sentimental” jewellery when he targeted a house he had previously raided, has been jailed at Lincoln Crown Court for 16 months.

Anthony Robertson checked that the occupiers of the property were out before climbing over back garden fences to reach the two-bed mid-terraced house in Grosvenor Road, Skegness.

Phil Howes, prosecuting, said “He prised open a window. He was selective in what he took. He went into the master bedroom and stole jewellery including sentimental items which had belonged to the complainant’s deceased mother.”

Mr Howes said that the victim knew Robertson and had helped him when he was at a low point in his life.

But in 2008 Robertson, who lived in the house next door but one to the victim, had burgled the same property.

Mr Howes told the court that the victim had been left devastated by the latest burglary and is now afraid to be at home on her own.

Robertson, 25, of Grosvenor Road, Skegness, admitted burglary as a result of the incident on June 14 this year.

He was jailed for 16 months.

Judge John Pini QC, passing sentence on July 26, told him: “You deliberately targeted these premises.

“Your next door neighbour bar one had been kind to you some years previously when you were at a low point in your life.

“You knew your neighbours and they knew you. They had previously tried to help you. I don’t know if you appreciate the sheer misery you have caused by your criminal activities.”

Mark Watson, in mitigation, said that Robertson managed to come off heroin while serving a three year jail sentence imposed in 2014 for robbery but had a relapse following his release and went back on drugs.

Mr Watson said: “He got into a lot of money problems and debt problems. That led to the commission of this offence.

“His aim is to get back to a position where he is free from being addicted to drugs once again.”