August 29, 2016 9.06 am This story is over 94 months old

In pictures: Disastrous parking attempts in Louth

In the latest in our series, the team at Lincolnshire Reporter has pulled together some of Louth’s worst parking attempts, spotted by residents in the area. Taking a stand against terrible parking, many have contributed to Facebook pages:  Spotted: Parking like a t**t in Louth and Parking like a t**t in Lincolnshire. Have you seen any examples that deserve the title ‘Louth’s worst parker’? Here…

In the latest in our series, the team at Lincolnshire Reporter has pulled together some of Louth’s worst parking attempts, spotted by residents in the area.

Taking a stand against terrible parking, many have contributed to Facebook pages:  Spotted: Parking like a t**t in Louth and Parking like a t**t in Lincolnshire.

Have you seen any examples that deserve the title ‘Louth’s worst parker’?

Here are some of our favourites:

In or out?

Photo: Susan Osullivan

Photo: Susan O’Sullivan

Not sure if this driver can decide whether they want to park in this space or not…

Loads of space!

Photo: Samantha Harneiss

Photo: Samantha Harneiss

We know it’s nice to have the space to get out of your car on the side of the road with ease but seriously?

In a rush?

Photo: Sam Hickling

Kenwick Road, Louth. Photo: Sam Hickling

This driver was in so much of a rush to get some food on the go that they forgot how to park.

All over the place

Photo: Phil Burrell

Photo: Phil Burrell

This driver seems to have not realised they were parking until the last minute. Shocking parking in Louth!

Which space?

Photo: Lee Ross

Photo: Lee Ross

Do you know which space this driver was trying to park in? We can’t tell…

No need for a path

Photo: Jerome Swarthington

Photo: Jerome Swarthington

Pedestrians love to walk onto the road to walk around parked cars on the path! Not.

Round the bend

Photo: Emma and Dave Hudson

Photo: Emma and Dave Hudson

Don’t worry. We’re not sure why they’ve parked here like this either…

Too many spaces

Photo: Alex Helliwell

Photo: Alex Helliwell

Clearly there were too many spaces free and the driver couldn’t decide which one to have…

Have you seen some terrible drivers in the county? Email Lincolnshire Reporter at [email protected].

There are some pretty awful parkers in Lincoln!

There are some pretty awful parkers in Lincoln!

Also see: Disgraceful parking attempts in Lincoln