April 18, 2017 11.57 am This story is over 93 months old

Parents and guardians join Lincoln school lessons to help prepare for GCSEs

A project at a Lincoln school has brought parents and guardians into the classrooms to help with students’ studies and it’s seen a tenfold popularity increase. The Family Learning programme at Sir Robert Pattinson Academy incorporates lessons with parents and guardians with their children in the lead up to their GCSE exams in maths, English and…

A project at a Lincoln school has brought parents and guardians into the classrooms to help with students’ studies and it’s seen a tenfold popularity increase.

The Family Learning programme at Sir Robert Pattinson Academy incorporates lessons with parents and guardians with their children in the lead up to their GCSE exams in maths, English and science as well as practical subjects such as art and technology.

While last year the school had 16 attendees, that number has increased to 160 this year.

The programme also gives advice to parents on how to support their children with revision during the exam period.

The lessons use the same learning materials from the courses with the same learning outcomes and activities from computer based learning and written tasks, through to a variety of practical tasks such as 3D drawing.

Head teacher, Helen Renard said: “The sessions gave parents a more detailed snapshot of the demand the new GCSEs put upon our students, offered them a chance to experience the learning for themselves and to appreciate the way in which teaching and learning has changed.

“The parents were brilliant. They really engaged with the teaching and I think it opened their eyes about how and what the children were learning and how they can best support them.”

The academy are looking to develop further lessons in the future to support parents of new arrivals into Year 7 for September this year.