May 18, 2017 9.23 am This story is over 85 months old

Boy has bike and phone stolen after being hit in face by group of men

Police are investigating after a 16-year-old boy was the victim of a street robbery in Grimsby earlier this week. The incident happened just before 10pm on Tuesday, May 16 on Cartergate. The boy was cycling towards the footbridge over the River Freshney on Cartergate when he was approached by a group of men, one of…

Police are investigating after a 16-year-old boy was the victim of a street robbery in Grimsby earlier this week.

The incident happened just before 10pm on Tuesday, May 16 on Cartergate.

The boy was cycling towards the footbridge over the River Freshney on Cartergate when he was approached by a group of men, one of whom grabbed him by the rucksack he was carrying and told him to get off his bike.

Another of the men snatched the boy’s mobile phone from his hand and the first man took his cycle, hitting the boy in the face.

The group then made off with the boy’s belongings heading towards Fildess Street and on to Somersby Street.

All men are all described as being white with local accents and all wearing dark, hooded tracksuit type clothing.

The stolen blue and yellow Carrera Helcat mountain bike and the boy’s silver and black iPhone 6 have not been recovered.

Although the boy did not require hospital treatment, he did sustain reddening to his face.

Anyone with any information should call 101 quoting crime reference number 2272083.

Calls can also be made anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.