May 16, 2017 4.31 pm This story is over 92 months old

New images: Work to begin straight away on £1.4m Birchwood Leisure Centre revamp

Artist impressions showing what the new-look Birchwood Leisure Centre will look like have been released, with work set to begin immediately on the refurbishment. As previously reported, City of Lincoln Council’s Select Scrutiny Committee confirmed the decision of its executive to move ahead with the transformation of Birchwood Leisure Centre at a meeting on May 15.…

Artist impressions showing what the new-look Birchwood Leisure Centre will look like have been released, with work set to begin immediately on the refurbishment.

As previously reported, City of Lincoln Council’s Select Scrutiny Committee confirmed the decision of its executive to move ahead with the transformation of Birchwood Leisure Centre at a meeting on May 15.

Work will begin immediately, with improvements expected to take approximately six months to complete.

The city council’s £1.4m investment will see improvements to the centre’s facilities and the internal and external fabric of the building.

The proposed new facilities will include a children’s soft play area, adventure climbing walls and state-of-the-art spin studio. A toning tables studio, larger fitness gym and new large café space will also be provided.

In order to deliver the new and enhanced facilities the centre’s squash courts and sports hall will be redeveloped.

The council has worked closely with all sports groups affected to either relocate them to elsewhere in the building or to other venues in the city.

Simon Walters, Strategic Director for Communities and Environment at the city council, said: “This redevelopment will provide a fantastic, affordable facility for all the family, in an easy to access part of the city.

“As well as improving facilities inside the building we also plan to open up its external fabric, installing much needed floor-to-ceiling windows to bring much needed natural light into the building and make the facility much more attractive and inviting from the outside.”