June 9, 2017 12.20 pm This story is over 88 months old

By numbers: How Lincoln voted in the 2017 general election

Lincoln residents woke not only to a hung parliament on the morning of Friday, June 9, but also a new MP with the tightest majority in the county. There were seven candidates standing in the election for the Lincoln constituency. Labour candidate Karen Lee defeated incumbent Conservative Karl Macartney by 1,538 votes. The turnout in Lincoln…

Lincoln residents woke not only to a hung parliament on the morning of Friday, June 9, but also a new MP with the tightest majority in the county.

There were seven candidates standing in the election for the Lincoln constituency. Labour candidate Karen Lee defeated incumbent Conservative Karl Macartney by 1,538 votes.

The turnout in Lincoln was 66.75% compared with the 2015 numbers of 63.2%.

We’ve broken down the voting across Lincoln and Lincolnshire: