July 17, 2017 12.28 pm This story is over 83 months old

Skegness Academy placed in special measures after Ofsted inspection

Skegness Academy has been placed in special measures following a damning Ofsted inspection, which heavily criticised the quality of teaching and effectiveness of the leadership and management team. The academy on Burgh Road had previously been rated as good but inspectors found that its overall effectiveness had dropped considerably following the inspection on May 24 and…

Skegness Academy has been placed in special measures following a damning Ofsted inspection, which heavily criticised the quality of teaching and effectiveness of the leadership and management team.

The academy on Burgh Road had previously been rated as good but inspectors found that its overall effectiveness had dropped considerably following the inspection on May 24 and 25.

Ofsted’s inspection framework reviewed the main areas and the academy was graded ‘Inadequate’ in most areas, these were:

  • Effectiveness of leadership and management – Inadequate
  • Quality of teaching, learning and assessment – Inadequate
  • Personal development, behaviour and welfare – Inadequate
  • Outcomes for pupils – Inadequate
  • 16 to 19 study programmes – Requires Improvement

In the report, inspectors said: “Standards have declined dramatically since the previous inspection.

“Pupils are not developing the skills, particularly in literacy and numeracy, needed to prepare them for the next stage in their education. Some pupils are studying inappropriate courses.

“The behaviour policy is not working. Some pupils misbehave regularly and prevent the majority of others from learning.”

The headteacher at Skegness Academy was unavailable for comment.

However, a spokesperson for the academy said: “The academy’s own self-evaluation had already accurately identified many shortcomings which have been identified in the report and so the judgement was not unexpected.

“The last few months in particular have been extremely turbulent following the Department for Education’s announcement that they intended to transfer the academy to another sponsor organisation.

“Whilst it has since been agreed that academy will stay within the Greenwood Academies Trust from September 2017, it is unsurprising that this period of uncertainly has had a significant impact on the academy.

“New leaders have carried out a thorough review of the academy, produced an ambitious action plan and areworking closely with the trust to ensure there is the necessary support in place to ensure progress.

“It is important to stress that the report is not a reflection on students and the inspectors highlighted that ‘many pupils are polite, respectful, and keen to learn’.

“Staff at the academy, and within the trust, are determined to continue to work extremely hard to make the Skegness Academy the good school that children deserve.”