November 28, 2017 3.38 pm This story is over 79 months old

Bosses admit more could have been done to help victims financially exploited in Lincolnshire town

Agencies ‘did not put the dots together’ in terms of abuse suffered in the county.

Safeguarding officials admitted they could have done more to help victims who were abused and forced to hand over money in a Lincolnshire town.

Dozens of vulnerable adults were financially exploited in Lincolnshire in recent years, a landmark report released on Tuesday, November 28 revealed.

The report published by the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB), relates to 34 vulnerable people who were victims of financial exploitation in the same market town in Lincolnshire, first reported in 2014.

In particular, it describes 10 shocking anonymised cases of financial exploitation, with one woman having her home invaded by drug users and becoming a victim of physical and psychological abuse.

Members of Lincolnshire County Council, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT) and Lincolnshire Police told Lincolnshire Reporter agencies ‘did not put the dots together’ in terms of abuse suffered in the county.

Bosses said many of the 34 vulnerable people did not get their money back following financial exploitation.

They were known to agencies for various problems including drug and alcohol abuse.

LPFT also said that although they were aware of these vulnerable people, the exploitation they suffered was not brought to their attention until the launch of Operation Dungeon by Lincolnshire Police.

Agencies are now using this report as a ‘learning curve’ to ensure future incidents of this nature are dealt with effectively and to take a more ‘proactive and positive response to launching investigations’.

Glen Garrod, executive director of adult care and community wellbeing at Lincolnshire County Council, told Lincolnshire Reporter: “I think it is important to note that nearly all of the people involved in these cases had previously been receiving support.

“That may have been through the mental health teams, through the police or adult services and so there was a level of understanding and knowledge but it hadn’t been shared as well as it could have been across the agencies and that is one of the key learning points for us.”

Read the full report.