November 8, 2017 11.11 am This story is over 79 months old

Lincoln Rotary Club plants 5,000 bulbs for World Polio Day

Over £20m has been raised by the UK and Ireland

The Rotary Club of Bailgate Lincoln celebrated World Polio Day by planting thousands of bulbs across the city.

Teaming up with the Sudbrooke Parish Council and the local Cubs, Beavers and Scouts clubs, the group planted 2,500 purple crocus in the village at the millennium stone on October 28.

The Rotary Club then went to Brattleby to plant another 2,500 bulbs with the help from children at Scampton Primary School on November 7.

World Polio Day took place on October 24 and aims to raise money to try and eradicate the virus.

Pakistan, Afghaistan and Nigeria are the only three countries in the world yet to stop the virus, and it is believed once the virus is eradicated it will be a significant medical achievement.

Rotary clubs from across the UK and Ireland have donated over £20 million to End Polio Now.

To find out more and donate to the cause, visit the website here.