February 7, 2018 11.13 am This story is over 83 months old

Lincoln Muslim Sisters want to set world record with peace crochet blanket

Can you lend a helping stitch?

A group of Lincoln ladies are on their way to break a Guinness World Record by attempting to make the largest peace crochet blanket with 22,000 metres of wool.

In an attempt led by Lincoln Muslim Sisters Forum, a group of women of Lincoln are planning to make the largest crochet blanket.

They will be running classes to teach crochet to people who want to help but do not know how to stitch.

The group is trying to break a world record which is currently held by the Nelson Mandela Foundation who stitched 67 blankets of 17,188.57 square metre(s) for Nelson Mandela Day.

The blanket will be re-used to help the homeless, patients at the Children Ward at Lincoln City Hospital and children at the Cancer Ward of QMC, and many more.

The group said: “We aim to get the whole community together regardless of background and to include older people too to help break their isolation.

“We are hoping to get everyone involved in this exciting and unique project and make it in the Guinness World Book of Records! Therefore we need to raise funds to buy loads and loads of wool, 22,000 meters of it!

The Lincoln Muslim Sisters Forum is inviting people to join them in this attempt to spread peace and help homeless and suffering people by asking them to contribute in stitching and/or donate through various platforms.

Anybody interested in joining the cause can contact the organisers on [email protected], or call 07772 770680.