March 19, 2018 12.15 pm This story is over 75 months old

Warning to dog owners as toxic palm oil washes up on Lincolnshire coast

Be on the lookout.

Councils and coastal groups are warning dog owners to be on the lookout for palm oil after lumps of the substance washed up on the Lincolnshire coast.

Not to be mistaken for lingering snow, the waxy white rocks of congealed oil, which can be fatal to dogs, have been spotted on Cleethorpes and Mablethorpe beaches.

North East Lincolnshire Council said palm oil has been found on Monday, March 18 on Cleethorpes beach.

“It isn’t dangerous to humans but can be toxic to dogs.

“We’re urging dog owners to be vigilant and keep their pets on leads and prevent them from eating washed-up marine life on the beach.”

Sightings have also been reported on Mablethorpe beach this morning.

Mablethorpe RNLI Lifeboat group posted on social media: “If anything is located on the shoreline of the UK which you believe is palm oil do not touch.

“Call the Coastguard and report immediately.

“Their pollution officers and local authority will work together to deal with such things but only if we know about them. Humber Coastguard are responsible for the Lincolnshire coast and can be reached on 01262 672317.

“Do not let your dogs near or it can be fatal.”

It’s not uncommon for the substance to wash up as ‘fatbergs’ on UK coastlines, often carried over from tropical islands such as Barbados and Jamaica

It has a smell similar to diesel, but is particularly appealing to dogs. It often congeals in the sea and solidifies into floating lumps, laced with poisonous bacteria.