May 11, 2018 9.40 am This story is over 73 months old

Fundraising campaign for Louth cancer girl

Family seeks funds for US tumour treatment.

The mother of a young girl with a brain tumour is trying to raise over £200,000 for potentially life-saving treatment in America.

Demi Knight, 11, was diagnosed with a Classic Medullablastoma brain tumour in December 2015 before having full surgical removal after hours of major and life-threatening brain surgery.

This was followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, which finished in February 2017.

Clear three-monthly scans followed until the most recent MRI in March 2018 showed the tumour had returned to Demi’s spine and head.

A further scan eight weeks later showed the disease is progressing and as standard treatment is failing the family looked at alternatives.

Demi Knight, 11, requires treatment in America as she battles against a brain tumour.

Demi’s mother, Mel, set up a GoFundMe page to help raise the money needed to send her daughter to Houston, Texas for Antineoplaston Therapy at the Burzynski Clinic.

Over £30,000 has already been raised to get her to the USA to get the treatment started, but a lot of this has been used on visits to the clinic and some initial treatment, therapy and medication, as well as things like staying at a hotel.

Costs will be ongoing and end up being at least around £205,000 so more funds are needed and quickly.

After a consultation at the clinic on May 9 the family were advised that the best way forward is a combination of extra medication and the Antinepolaston Therapy.

A fully qualified naturopath is helping to guide the family with the treatment and Demi’s diet has been changed dramatically, while she is also having Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy five days a week in the UK.

Mel said: “I’ve spoken to parents of a child who was treated at this very clinic after being told their child’s brain cancer was also terminal and all hope was lost, this was back in 2008 and this child’s tumour is now resolved! And she is alive and well today!

“I want to watch my daughter grow up into a beautiful young woman and lead the life that she deserves, Demi is the most gentle, caring, selfless and loving person I have ever known and come across.”

For more information on how you can help Demi, visit the Facebook group here.

Posted by Mel Knight on Wednesday, 9 May 2018