June 4, 2018 10.35 am This story is over 72 months old

Bee swarm creates a buzz in Lincoln

The swarm created quite a buzz

‘I think I’ll go another way!’ Shoppers nervously watched a swam of bees which descended on city centre railings at the weekend – but the colony was just minding their own bees-ness.

Chris Pearson photographed the insects bee-having and causing no trouble at the end of Guildhall Street opposite The Little Lincoln Cafe on Sunday, June 3.

There are over 250 types of bee in the UK, including the European Honey Bee.

Maybe they feel like they simply bee-long on the railings. Photo: Chris Pearson

Occasionally, swarms of bees can rest outside of their usual nesting place. This usually happens in May, June and July.

Swarms can rest in trees, near buildings and around chimneys. If left alone, they pose no serious harm to either animals or man.

They’re usually docile and will not sting unless provoked. They’re likely to move on if their rest spot is not deemed suitable, but can sometimes get access to a property or find a home that poses a threat.

The City of Lincoln Council’s advice for anyone concerned about a bee colony to contact their local bee keeper.

If you’re interested in bees, there is an ongoing study by Friends of the Earth to track the insects’ decline in the UK. The Great British Bee Count is currently underway, which started on May 17 and continues until June 30.

A free app can help people identify and record different species of bee.

For more information on swarm removal click here.

A bee swarm creating a bit of a buzz in Lincoln. Photo: Chris Pearson