June 29, 2018 12.10 pm This story is over 72 months old

LIVES to descend 98-feet in daring Cathedral abseil

“Funds raised go a long way to keeping our responders on the road”

Volunteers from the charity LIVES will make a daring descent from Lincoln Cathedral’s bell tower in a fundraising effort next month.

The event is part of their annual Everyday Heroes Week and kicks off at 11am on Saturday, July 28.

The volunteers will descend 98ft inside the cathedral to raise funds for the charity which provides first response aid to medical emergencies across Lincolnshire.

It’s not the first time that the charity has encouraged people to abseil. Volunteers raised money last year by abseiling down the Brayford’s DoubleTree hotel.

Photo: LIVES

Nikki Silver, CEO of LIVES said: “We’re really excited about this year’s abseil. The challenge proved to be a great success last year and we’re thrilled with this year’s venue.

“2017 was an incredibly busy year for our responders and 2018 is proving to be even busier so any funds raised will really go a long way to keeping our responders on the road.”

Photo: LIVES

Charlie McClelland, event organiser added: “Lots of the people taking part in this event aren’t just helping to raise funds for LIVES but overcoming fears of heights in order to do it. It really will be an amazing achievement for them all and in such a fantastic venue!”

This year the charity aims to raise £10,000 which they say will have a massive impact on the service they provide.

If you wish to support the volunteers you can donate here, and opportunities to cheer them on from the sidelines will be available at Lincoln Cathedral on the day.