June 26, 2018 9.09 am This story is over 72 months old

Parish councils’ plans to be approved

They’d have more say over how their areas are developed

Two parish councils could be set to have more say over how their areas develop following a meeting of West Lindsey District Council on Monday.

The Great Limber and Osgodby Neighbourhood Plans will be discussed by the authority’s Full Council from 7pm.

The plans cover the period from 2017-36 and have both been approved by an independent examiner and a referendum of local people.

The referendums saw 37 people in Great Limber vote in favour of using the Neighbourhood Plan to help decide planning applications, with eight voting no. In Osgodby this was a vote of 90-29 (with one vote rejected).

Both plans include visions for their respective visits.

In the document outlining the Neighbourhood plans, organisers from Great Limber say: “By 2036, Great Limber will be a thriving rural village that has welcomed small scale, high quality new housing and employment into the heart of its village.

“The village will retain and enhance its existing historic assets, monuments and surrounding landscape.

“The key to the village’s success is to preserve the historic rural character of the area but to allow some small scale development which will allow the elderly to downsize and for younger generations to be able to live and work within the village.”

The supporting document for Osgodby says: “In 20 years’ time, Osgodby will continue to be a green and pleasant parish made of the distinctively individual settlements of Osgodby, Kirkby, Usselby and Kingerby, set in a rural environment.

“Additional housing will have provided a suitable range of houses to meet the needs and aspirations of the local community, at a scale and pace of change which residents can readily accommodate.

“New developments will respect the parish’s countryside character and avoid the coalescence of individual settlements. Its green open spaces and public rights of way will have been preserved or enhanced to increase usability and the enjoyment of residents.

“Employment opportunities and economic development in different sectors, including tourism, will be supported.

“Local services and amenities, particularly the primary school, will have been maintained and developed to attract and retain a population with a wide range of age groups and occupations, to sustain a vibrant and dynamic community.”

Councillors will be recommended to adopt both plans.