August 3, 2018 3.01 pm This story is over 70 months old

Another Lincoln trail wing damaged

It will be fixed in a few days

Another wing from the 100 Voices trail has been damaged and Lincoln BIG are hoping to get it fixed within the next few days.

Edward Langley spotted the damage to the wing on the South Common, which he said looks like “someone had kicked it over and snapped the centre pole at the base.”

Lincoln BIG told The Lincolnite they believed this incident to be accidental damage, possibly by a horse, although the exact cause will not be known until they get to the site.

Photo: Edward Langley

Photo: Edward Langley

A spokesperson for Lincoln BIG said: “We will arrange to uplift the wing and arrange for it to be re-installed, so it should be fixed within the next two to three days.

“The enthusiasm the trail has engendered is amazing, especially with the RAF centenary. With the RAF100 celebrations coming up in Lincoln next weekend (August 11-12) it is exciting around the city.”

Edward propped the damaged wing up against the nearby tree. Photo: Edward Langley

This is not the first time this wing has been damaged as back in May it appeared to have been deliberately taken off its wooden post.

The wing on the West Common also suffered damage before the trails dedicated to Lincolnshire’s RAF history were unveiled on Saturday, May 5.

The wing was removed less than 24 hours after installation. Photo: David Culy

It was removed from the ground and disposed several yards away where it was found undamaged.

Police charged 18-year-old Levi Petitt with the theft of a wood sign, as well as driving over the legal alcohol limit on a motorcycle on Mitchell Drive in Lincoln, where he lives.

He appeared in court in June and is now on bail to attend Mansfield Magistrates Court on September 27.

The wing on the West Common was damaged again in June, but this time it was reportedly knocked over, possibly accidentally by a horse.