August 24, 2018 12.41 pm This story is over 76 months old

Campaign for new waterway to connect Boston to Peterborough

The plans are pushing the boat out

Partners have returned to ambitious plans to create a new waterway between Boston and Peterborough, which would see boats’ travel time cut from a fortnight to little more than a day.

Construction of the new water way would connect 20 miles of existing channel on the Fens Waterway Link with 12 miles of new channel.

It is expected that towns and cities like Spalding, Market Deeping, Boston and Peterborough would have an economic boost from an increase in tourists using the waterways.

A new partnership has been formed to develop and progress the proposal (originally conceived in the early 2000s) – The Fens Waterway Link (FWL).

The plans would provide a new route for cyclists, fisherman and walkers.

It would also create a new wetland corridor as flora and fauna are encouraged to grow on the new route.

At this time, it is unclear how much the project would cost.