August 2, 2018 4.47 pm This story is over 76 months old

Drainage concerns overruled as Horncastle plans start

The first phase of a 129 homes development

The first phase of a 129 house development in Horncastle has been approved by councillors with some additional conditions to the original plans.

The 52 homes off Mareham Road will now include 10 affordable houses and a new footpath as part of ‘unilateral undertakings’ which are similar to conditions, but applied after permission has been granted.

Concerns raised during the meeting of East Lindsey District Council’s planning committee centred mainly around the drainage of the site – with councillors asking for it to be sorted before the first house is moved into.

A statement from Horncastle Town Council read out by officer Chris Panton said the council took a view “that a clear working drainage route should be established before reserve matters are approved and that any repair or maintenance should be carried out by the developer prior to any housing being built.”

They called for consideration to be given to future financial issues arising from drainage and any required repairs – particularly to their Riparian Rights.

Simon Williams, Royal Chartered Surveyor, in support of the application said work had been done on the application to make it aesthetically pleasing, adding that the developers wanted to “play their part in the joined up thinking of the area.”

He said the footpath had been added as part of that, and reassured councillors that drainage would be restricted from the applicants land by a hydro-brake. He said there would be a reduction in downstream flood risk due through the attenuation tank on the site.

He said the flow of a nearby waterway and responsibility for it was not the applicant’s after it left their land.

However, he said the development imposed ‘no additional responsibilities’ on neighbouring property owners to those that already exist in statute.

He told councillors: “We hope fears of those close to the site can be allayed once and for all.”

Mr Williams said that if councillors wanted to include condition to have drainage system in place before first occupation there would be no issue with that.

The plans have already been seen by the committee and through an appeal.