August 9, 2018 12.47 pm This story is over 77 months old

Man assaulted while walking his dog

It happened in a common dog walking area

A 31-year-old man was allegedly assaulted as he was out walking his dog in Skegness in the early hours of Thursday morning.

Adam Driver posted in the Facebook group Skegness Skegness Skegness! about the incident, which happened on Warth Lane at around 12.25am on Thursday, August 9, about 20 yards from the Trefoil Drive/The Meadows entrance.

Adam told Lincolnshire Reporter he took his dog for a walk trying to get rid of a cramp that was keeping him awake, but he didn’t notice anyone coming towards him before he was pushed to the floor.

Adam Driver is urging people to be more vigilant after being the victim of an alleged assault in Skegness.

He said: “I didn’t hear the person coming, I was pushed to the floor and I fell on my head and felt my head being hit on the floor a few times.

“The person tried to go through my pockets, but didn’t manage to get a hand in and it felt like he/she was patting me down to see if anything was in them to try and take my phone.

“My dog, who was on its lead tried to protect me, but the person ran off in the A52 direction. I suffered injuries to the right side of my forehead and the corner of my eye is swollen.

“My ribs are also really sore and I went to the hospital and was told nothing was broken and it just needs to heal. My glasses also got broken which is annoying.

“There were no cars or anything, it was on a link road between two main roads as I was walking along. I’m unsure if I was followed as I didn’t hear anything, it was all very sudden. It seemed to happen in a flash.

“The dog reacted after I shouted and I saw a blurred shadow running away. I told police over the phone and am happy with how they dealt with it, the officer has a good reputation. Please be vigilant if out late at night.”

Adam described the suspect as average build and possibly male, although he isn’t certain, and the person was wearing dark clothing, which he believes was possibly a tracksuit with a hood up.

A spokesperson for Lincolnshire Police said: “The incident was reported to police at 12.42am. A man in his 30s was the victim in what was believed to be an attempt robbery to take the victim’s phone.

“He attended hospital as a precaution and had sustained minor injuries.

“We are investigating and any witness should get in touch quoting the incident number please (incident 11 of August 9).”