August 21, 2018 5.34 pm This story is over 70 months old

Robber armed with scissors demands drugs

One of the occupants was told to sit down or the scissors would be thrust into his head

A man went into a flat and robbed the occupants with a pair of scissors after finding himself stranded 15 miles from home.

Daniel Astley was desperate for cash to get back to his home in Scunthorpe when he targeted a flat in Market Street in Gainsborough.

Lincoln Crown Court heard that Astley started to bang on the door of the flat and left before he made his way inside.

Astley, 28, of Laurel Way, Scunthorpe admitted three charges of robbery, which took place on the evening of July 22.

Phil Howes, prosecuting, said: “Astley had possession of a pair of scissors. He went into the flat and made threats after demanding: ‘where’s the drugs and the money?'”

One of the occupants was told to sit down or the scissors would be thrust into his head.

The three residents, all in their 30s, were then ordered into another room and Astley went through their belongings before making off with four mobile phones, tobacco and clothing.

The court heard how Astley was desperate for money to get home having earlier approached police for help.

Astley was arrested after being linked to a shoplifting offence from a nearby store on the same day.

Judge John Pini QC, passing sentence, told the man: “I accept this was not a planned robbery and was very much a spur of the moment offence but you went in, made threats and demanded drugs.”

David Eager, in mitigation, said: “He was stranded. He should have found his own way back to Scunthorpe. He hung around trying to get help and in desperation he then did this.

“What he did he knew was wrong, It was a desperate attempt to get a bit of money to get him back to Scunthorpe.”

He was jailed for three years and nine months.