August 1, 2018 1.42 pm This story is over 76 months old

Three new buses for Lincoln DialaRide

Big boost for the charity

Lincoln DialaRide has purchased three new adapted buses after winning £100,000 from a Big Lottery fund bid.

The registered charity operates within a six mile radius of Lincoln and provides transport to those who cannot otherwise get around, with members paying a £10 registration fee and then a small cost per journey.

An official bus launch was held with Mayor of Lincoln Councillor Keith Weaver, Sherriff Roy South and his consort Mrs Sandra South attending along with other invited guests and volunteers.

The Mayor of Lincoln, Councillor Keith Weaver, cutting the ribbon. Photo: Lincoln Dialaride

The buses have been dedicated to the memory of former volunteers and staff who previously passed away: Brian West (Chair of Board of Trustees), Keith Forman (Vice Chair of Board of Trustees), John Surtees (Vehicle Co-ordinator), Derek Johnson (Vehicle Co-ordinator), Alan Cutmore (Shopmobility Assistant and Driver), John Elkington (Driver).

Their relatives were invited and those attended were driven, along with a civic party, up to the International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC).

One of the new buses infront of the IBCC memorial. Photo: Lincoln Dialaride

Deputy Manager Penny Hardman said: “The service we provide keeps those with mobility issues mobile and independent.”

Anyone within a six mile radius of Lincoln can register with Dialaride by calling 01522 544983 or to volunteer call Penny on 01522 701842 or email [email protected].