September 27, 2018 2.06 pm This story is over 76 months old

Could your neighbour’s flashy car be funded by crime?

Has your criminal neighbour got some new bling?

Lincolnshire Police are encouraging people to speak out if their neighbour is sporting new bling that could be funded by criminal activity.

It’s part of a new campaign to help the police take cash, cars and other properties from criminals.

So far this year, Lincolnshire Police have already seized £2.19 million in ill gotten gains as part of a Operation Bling.

The money is used to fund further investigations by the police after it is confiscated.

As part of the campaign, a flash Black 4×4 BMW with black-tinted windows was wheeled out onto the Cornhill in Lincoln.

Detective Inspector Jo Reeves told The Lincolnite: “Obviously a lot of the crime we deal with has a monetary value, so we are trying to make sure that crime doesn’t pay.

“If [you] spot anyone who is living a particularly lavish lifestyle which perhaps isn’t in keeping with what they do for a living, then you should tell us.”

Watch the full video to see the flash criminal vehicle seized by police