October 8, 2018 1.20 pm This story is over 68 months old

Lincoln littered by “disgusting” weekend fly tippers

Large piles of rubbish were found in Lincoln and residents have had enough

Two Lincoln residents have voiced their disgust after finding piles of rubbish bags fly tipped in Lincoln over the weekend.

Car parts, food containers and commercial waste bags were found in the pile of rubbish dumped on a road between Canwick and Bracebridge Heath.

Meanwhile, another resident said that he was embarrassed to find a highchair and more rubbish bags on the High Street.

Paul Colin took a picture of the rubbish piled up by a bus stop in Lincoln and posted his shock on the You’re Probably from Lincoln If Facebook page. He told The Lincolnite: “I thought that it was down to people being lazy when I first found it.

“We should be proud of where we live. I used to be a lorry driver in Europe and they did not have as much of a problem as we have in Lincoln.”

The resident, who found rubbish near Canwick, and asked to not be named, said he could have filled half of a skip with the rubbish he found on his walk.

He told The Lincolnite: “I was going for a walk to the Bomber Command Centre to get a coffee when I found the piles of rubbish.

“I have been down there lots of times and there is always rubbish there. People must just park up on the side of the road and dump their rubbish through the gap in the fence.

“Rubbish is just a blight in Lincoln. It gets a lot worse when vermin gets into the bags.”

Some social media users described the rubbish as “disgusting”

“Whoever has done this should be ashamed of themselves,” wrote Helz Tear.

Michelle Tabitha Bridge commented: “I don’t understand the mentality of fly tippers. They drive to a remote area, so why not to a tip?”