October 8, 2018 8.24 am This story is over 75 months old

Skegness Viking event deemed a roaring success

Not even the weather could stop people enjoying it

Vikings took over the shores of Skegness over the weekend for an event which was described as a huge success.

As previously reported, the Visit Lincs Coast event took place on Saturday and Sunday, October 6-7, with visitors able to wander through a living Viking encampment at The Village Church Farm.

Two rival groups set up camp there, which attracted visitors from all over the country to witness what it was like to live in those times.

The deputy mayor of Skegness opened the event and touched on the link between the heritage of Skegness and the Vikings.

Vikings on the battlefield. Photo: Visit Lincs Coast

A Viking wielding his sword. Photo: Visit Lincs Coast

On Saturday evening the Vikings stormed the beach and battled it out in front of the crowds, and not even the weather could put off the hundreds of spectators with some even enjoying an ice cream.

The battle was followed by a spectacular fire juggling display and fireworks.

Get ready for battle. Photo: Visit Lincs Coast

Harriet Lawton from Visit Lincs Coast said: “The event was a huge success and it was great to see people who had travelled to the area especially for this.

“One family had come from Chester and stayed in a caravan for the weekend because their son was learning about Vikings at school.”

Visit Lincs Coast added that they would like to thank both Viking groups involved – Wuffa and The Dragon Shields – for putting on the re-enactment and the Village Church Farm for hosting them, as well as the spectators.

A Viking stood with a flag. Photo: Visit Lincs Coast

More Vikings on the battlefield. Photo: Visit Lincs Coast

Vikings defending the battlefield while others lie wounded. Photo: Visit Lincs Coast