December 26, 2018 10.29 am This story is over 66 months old

Reflections 2018: Marc Jones – An ode to the police officer

Festive rhyme from the Police and Crime Commissioner

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the streets,
Not a person was stirring, ‘cept an officer on the beat.
As he quietly patrolled the town with great care,
Children and parents slept peacefully there.

The officer was clad in his uniform and vest,
His helmet on straight, always looking his best.
He’d just pulled aside for a quick bite to eat,
When all of a sudden, out on the street,

A bright light appeared from out of nowhere,
He shielded his eyes from the brilliant glare.
‘Twas a Xmas reveller at the car’s rear,
He smiled and spoke, “Dear sir, don’t fear.”

I’ll help you get home, where do you reside?
Hop in the back and I’ll give you a ride
And on the way back he sees a car swerve
It leaves the road and with all his verve

He rushes to help and drags driver clear
Rings 999 and makes sure he stays near
It’s a typical night on the Lincolnshire streets
And the bobby stays strong for all challenges he meets

Come rain or snow in our community they stay
Never once do they fear to enter the fray
This Christmas spare a thought for the officers who work
Keeping you safe from dangers round corners that lurk

They work in the day and they work in the night
They see every possible terrible sight
And despite the challenges they face every day
They all show commitment we can never repay

I’m always humbled at the dedication they show
My admiration only continues to grow
I wish all of our officers a safe Xmas tour
And thank them for keeping us safe and secure

Marc Jones is a Conservative County Councillor and Executive Member for Finance and Property.