January 16, 2019 4.49 pm This story is over 71 months old

Crackdown on troublemaking and dog mess in Grimsby and Cleethorpes

Crackdown on dog mess and troublemaking

Plans to crackdown on anti-social behaviour and “nuisance” dog owners in Grimsby and Cleethorpes have been given the green light by senior councillors.

North East Lincolnshire Council is looking to put a grand total of nine public space protection orders across both the entire borough and several specified areas.

Anyone found breaching the orders could face £100 fixed penalty fines.

Councillor David Bolton, portfolio holder for safer communities said the orders were “not about attacking young people”.

“The vast majority are well-behaved and make a valuable contribution to North East Lincs.

“We’re just targeting the minority who are causing problems in the town centres of Grimsby and Cleethorpes.”

The area that the proposed public space protection order would cover in Grimsby Town Centre.

It comes after the council identified anti-social behaviour as the “public’s number one concern”.

The orders will mainly look to tackle any activity or behaviour “causing or likely to cause nuisance, alarm, harassment or distress”.

Those riding scooters, skateboards or driving in “such a manner that would cause alarm” will also come under fire, however.

Also included in the orders are using foul and abusive language towards people, playing loud music and climbing onto any building other than for a lawful purpose.

The borough-wide orders include a restriction on dog fouling and dog exclusion zones.

Council leader Ray Oxby said the PSPO plan “shows we’ve listened”.

“There has been a lot of outcry about our town centres and I’m pleased to see the extra powers and penalties to deal to deal with people who cause a nuisance,” he said.

North East Lincolnshire Cabinet. Photo: Daniel Jaines

Fellow cabinet member Councillor Matthew Patrick praised those dog walkers who took the time to help the authority but criticised those who got away with letting their dogs foul in public areas.

New signs would be put up to signal the exclusion areas.

It comes as the council recently outsourced its dog fouling enforcement to Doncaster Council.

The authority also increased fines to £100.

The nine orders will be in place in:

  • Grimsby Town Centre
  • Peoples Park
  • Cleethorpes Town Centre and sea front from Wonderland to the Leisure Centre
  • Cleethorpes Sea front from the Leisure Centre to North Sea Lane Roundabout
  • Cleethorpes Country Park
  • Sidney Sussex Recreation Ground
  • Haverstoe Park
  • Borough wide dog fouling ban
  • Borough wide dog exclusion areas

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