January 28, 2019 11.49 am This story is over 71 months old

Mareham 38-home plan seeks final approval

The number of affordable homes as already been reduced

A 38-home plan for land in Mareham-le-Fen which has already seen a reduction in affordable homes, is set to be considered for final aproval.

The application for land north of Main Street was given outline permission in August 2015.

East Lindsey District Council agreed the 2.2 hectare development despite it being a departure from the local plan and misgivings over the loss of Grade II agricultural land.

Now applicant Mr A. Sewell, through agents Lincs Design Consultancy, is looking for approval of the appearance, landscaping and scale of the development.

Officers at the time said the build would be in a sustainable location and would drain a “problem area” in the village.

They said it would help address a housing shortage in the district.

The parish council had asked for a smaller number of houses to be included, but had no objections in all.

Several objections were received regarding compromised views, however, these were disputed.

Since its approval, it has undergone a further successful application to reduce the number of affordable houses from 40% (15 homes) to 10% (four homes).

The plans include a mix of housing types and will see open spaces including a pond and a footpath along the western edge.

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