February 12, 2019 3.13 pm This story is over 70 months old

Local businesses to vote over Lincoln BIG’s future

The last ballot was held in 2014

The future of Lincoln BIG will be up for debate later this year when city centre businesses are asked to vote whether or not they want it to continue.

Every five years businesses in the city centre are asked to vote on whether they want to keep Lincoln BIG going.

Lincoln BIG is partly funded by city businesses. It works on projects to improve the city to help encourage shoppers and visitors.

It is a company in its own right and controlled by a board of 20 directors who represent stakeholders in the city centre.

Ballot papers will be sent to eligible voters on Wednesday, October 9. The ballot will close on Wednesday, November 6 at 5pm.

The results and AGM will take place on Wednesday, November 7.

The formal BIG Ballot Timetable. Photo: City Talk

This year voters will be asked to give Lincoln BIG the green light to go ahead with proposals outlined in its Business Plan for 2020-2025.

A “Yes” vote means they will continue to pay a levy on their business rates.

Lincoln BIG will be hosting workshops for levy payers and partners.

The last ballot in 2014 produced very encouraging results with more than 80% of businesses voted in favour of keeping Lincoln BIG.

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