March 12, 2019 9.12 am This story is over 63 months old

Cornhill Quarter demolition plans get the go-ahead

The plans will create a new events space

Plans to demolish the Cornhill Quarter Kiosk and extend the outdoor market on City Square have been approved by council leaders.

The move will see the kiosk and tree removed as the first phase of a series of improvements which leaders say will see the Cornhill “become a more appropriate space for events”.

The kiosk has been a visitor information centre, stop smoking centre and events booth, as well as housing fast food independents.

A trial extension to the outdoor market, could also see around 10 stalls added to City Square.

Both changes are hoped to improve footfall and create additional activity within the city centre.

Councillors were told the Speakers’ Corner tree, which some residents have been concerned about losing, was “very, very poorly” and that replacement trees would be planted.

Councillor Ric Metcalfe said: “The pace of city centre regeneration is absolutely breathtaking. This is another exciting step.”

Following the meeting he said the move was part of a long-term aspiration.

The City Square outside the Central Market will be used to host more stalls than before. Photo: Daniel Jaines

“Markets are often a real attraction for towns and cities up and down the country and across Europe.

“We want to breathe some life back into the market and make it an important part of Lincoln’s offer.

“The Cornhill is a terrific space which has been somewhat blighted by the kiosk building, opening up the square will complete the connection we need to achieve between the new Cornhill and the High Street.

“That’s going to be absolutley great for traders, visitors and residents alike.”

Council leader Ric Metcalfe. Photo: Connor Creaghan for The Lincolnite

The kiosk has previously been used as a visitor information centre, stop smoking centre and events booth, as well as housing fast food independents.

The events in the Cornhill would be run by Lincoln BIG, who currently set up in the City Square.

Officers estimate the cost of the demolition works would cost around £50,000 and would be funded from the £300,000 allocated in the additional resources from business rate retention.

It’s also noted in the report before the executive that the potential lost revenue income would be £22,000 per year, but that the revenue from the proposed outdoor market would offset this.

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