March 20, 2019 4.24 pm This story is over 65 months old

Greetwell Road works reach halfway mark

Not long to go

Road closures and seven miles of diversions to allow for Eastern Bypass works at Greetwell Road are over the halfway hurdle.

As reported previously, Greetwell Road closures and diversions have seen extra traffic cutting through nearby housing estates in order to avoid longer journeys.

Rat runs have caused tensions among drivers and residents on the Carlton estate.

Some warned that the safety of children at a nearby school is being put at risk by the increase in traffic.

Works began on March 5 and will be ongoing until April 5, during which time drivers are diverted through Outer Circle Road, Bunkers Hill, HawthornRoad, Croft Lane, Church Lane, Fiskerton Road and back onto Greetwell Road.

No vehicles have been allowed through while roadworks are in place from 6am on March 4 to 6pm on April 5.

The 7.5km Lincoln Eastern Bypass will link the A158 Wragby Road roundabout to the A15 at Bracebridge Heath.

Lincolnshire County Council said, despite delays, Lincoln Eastern Bypass is said to be “progressing well” before it opens to motorists in May 2020.