July 9, 2019 1.18 pm This story is over 61 months old

Lincoln life captured in rare colour video from 1950s

Smoke seems to fill the air in this eery film

Rare colour video footage has captured what Lincoln life was really like in the city in the 1950s.

A British Film Institute video called To the Four Corners tours Cardiff, Ulster, Lewis and finally Lincoln.

Smoke seems to fill the air in this eery film which looks at Steep Hill, Lincoln Cathedral and Castle.

Rows and row of terraced houses are stacked upon one another when we cut to a wide shot of the city.

Find the full film of the BFI website here. Lincoln can be seen from around the 20-minute mark.

This is a glimpse into 1950s life when the country was still feeling the impact of the war.

It was the decade which brought an end to food rationing and saw the Suez Crisis and much jubilation with the coronation of Elizabeth II.