July 22, 2019 12.14 pm This story is over 65 months old

Praise for lifeguard who saved young boy’s life

The 14-year-old boy was starting to go underwater when lifeguard Lewis reached him

A lifeguard managed to save a 14-year-old boy from drowning over the weekend.

Lewis McGarry was stationed at Skegness on Sunday, July 21 when he noticed that the boy was struggling to swim.

The boy was over 150 metres outside of the designated swim zone so Lewis needed to act fast.

He ran over and swam out before towing the boy back to safety by using a rescue tube. When Lewis reached the casualty he was starting to go underwater.

RNLI Lifeguards highlighted Lewis’ efforts on Facebook where hundreds commented to give him praise.

His mother Lesley McGarry even said: “My hero. Well done son I am so so proud of you and love you.”

Mick Elton added: “Well done Lewis. All lifeguards and the RNLI should receive the recognition they all deserve.

“People need to remember that it could be you or a family member that needs their help one day.”

Anne Bainbridge said: “Thank goodness for people like you, well done Lewis, you should be super proud of yourself.”