August 6, 2019 4.41 pm This story is over 64 months old

Entries now open for new Lincoln Three Hills Challenge

Tackling three Lincoln hills will test brains and stamina

A brand new challenge tackling three Lincoln hills will test brains and stamina whilst raising funds for the Lincoln City Foundation and Lincoln City Women FC.

The ascents and descents on the route between Liquorice Park and Greestone Stairs will take in all the major hills within historic Lincoln including Steep Hill, Motherby Hill and Spring Hill.

It will take place on September 15, 2019 from 9.30am-3pm (registration opens at 9.30am, with the last registration at 1pm). For more information and to register click here.

The Lady Imps Supporters Association and LCFC Fans Players Scheme have teamed up to create the new event — The Lincoln Three Hills Challenge — for both adults and children.

Organisers are asking for a minimum donation of £8 per family (2 adults and up to three children). It will be £10 on the day with adults £4 and children £2.

During the day participants will walk 5k at their own pace along a mapped route taking in a 1,000 ft vertical along the way.

There is also a quiz to complete as people go round and stickers to collect at the three summits.

Stokes of Lincoln have offered the organisers space at The Lawn complex to use as a base camp. It will provide a pop-up coffee bar for refreshments and donate a percentage of the proceeds to the chosen beneficiaries.

Running Imp are helping with a start/finish line and will also provide medals for children that complete the walk.

The event will encourage Imps in their football shirts to fill and explore the city, whilst promoting health, fitness and wellbeing.

It will also support people in need with a collection point for participants to donate non-perishable food items to the Lincoln foodbank.