August 20, 2019 1.42 pm This story is over 64 months old

Parking issues put the brakes on apartment development

A lack of parking was a major concern.

Councillors have put the brakes on plans to demolish a former Boston pub and build 55 apartments on land behind Asda superstore.

Boston Borough Council’s planning committee rejected the plans by the Alrahmin Trust to demolish the now-vacant New Castle Inn and build three blocks of flats on the land on Fydell Street.

Although councillors praised the designs, they had major concerns over a lack of parking associated with the apartments.

Councillor Michael Cooper said: “I don’t see how anybody living in a rural town like this can live without a car. 55 apartments with no parking?

To think there’s going to be that many people living here and not a single one will have a car is unbelievable.

Councillor Brian Rush questioned how the development even came to committee without officers advising the applicant on the issue of parking.

“It’s impractical, dangerous,” he said, adding: “This is cloud cuckoo-land. It should never have got to this committee. It should have been killed off before it got here.”

Councillor Jonathan Noble also raised concerns over the height of the properties.

“It’s going to lead to a loss of light and overlooking of neighbouring properties,” he said.

How the site would have been laid out.

The three-storey build plans include a mix of one and two-bed apartments with amenity space provided in a central area.

Officers said that 110 car spaces would be needed to comply with the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan, however, the applicant felt that the area provides more than ample infrastructure within walking distance which negated the need.

Agent Chris Lilley said the site had been vacant for some time. He said it was “somewhat of an eyesore and needs rejuvenation.”

He added that the design would be an exceptional feature and will “bring the town into the modern age”.

The former New Castle Inn.

He said the lack of parking would “encourage occupiers to use [local] facilities to their full extent” and would “stop free for all parking” usual for similar sites.

He added that it reduced the need for junctions.

Lincolnshire County Council highways did not object.

The officers said the provision of appropriate cycle storage areas could also help balance the area.

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