September 30, 2019 11.28 am This story is over 57 months old

“Much-needed” mosque plans submitted to East Lindsey District Council

Objectors have concerns over traffic, parking and noise pollution

Plans to build Skegness’ first mosque have been submitted to East Lindsey District Council.

The plans by the Skegness Central Mosque Group, for a community centre, with four self-contained flats above, will be built next to the former Methodist chapel on Roman Bank.

It is understood the residential accommodation will help pay for the upkeep of the centre below.

The centre will include washrooms, a kitchen, a body room and a main hall.

Skegness Central Mosque (SCM) was set up in 2015. The group’s goal is to provide people with an area of worship, education, communal gatherings and events.

How the new building could look.

In order to support the plans, it launched a fundraising campaign which had a £337,000 target and has so far recieved £152,140 – enough to purchase the land.

Supporters of the plan say the development of the land is “much-needed” and “overdue”.

They say it will improve the appearance of the area, which they report has been previously subject to arson and littering, as well as bring visitors and jobs to the area.

Rector of Skegness for the Church of England Richard Holden said: “The site is currently very run down and an eyesore.

“I think this would enhance the look of the area as well as provide a good building for community use as well as a functional building for another faith community.”

Dr M. Ahmed said: “I think this is an essential for the Muslim community in Skegness, which continues to constantly grow.”

“The demand for a mosque where five daily prayers could be prayed continues to increase.”

How the inside of the centre could be laid out.

Skegness Town Council have also supported the plans.

However, objectors have raised concerns over traffic and parking, particularly over the holiday season as tourists use the facilities.

They also raised issues with noise, particularly during prayer-times, and highway safety.

Several objectors used a template letter which said: “Granting permission for the community centre (mosque) will result in new people visiting Skegness from many different counties that have possibly never visited Skegness before.

“This on its own is obviously very good for the town. Unfortunately, I am of the opinion that the site is too small and does not have enough adequate parking.”

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