September 10, 2019 4.44 pm This story is over 57 months old

Your reactions to Edward Leigh standing for Speaker

John Bercow will stand down

Conservative MP for Gainsborough Sir Edward Leigh had a mix of ‘good luck’ messages and ‘please don’t’ pleas after confirming he would stand for the office of Speaker.

MP Leigh previously said he’d throw his hat into the ring as a future candidate for the role of Speaker in the House of Commons.

MP for Buckingham John Bercow has been the speaker since 2009. This week he announced he plans to step down as Commons Speaker by October 31, although some speculated he has jumped before being pushed.

MP for Buckingham John Bercow has been the speaker since 2009.

Bercow said he would stay in his post until Brexit day at the latest because it was the “least disruptive” timetable. His speech was reportedly applauded by MPs, most from the opposition benches but only a handful from the Tory side.

MP Leigh said: “Although on many occasions he has infuriated me, I am grateful that Mr Speaker has always been determined to give a voice to those who want to ask real questions of the executive.”

When he announced the news on Twitter it attracted over 100 retweets and comments and more than 480 likes.

Selection of your reactions

Pétrus said: “I think you would be a wonderful choice, I just can’t see this current rotten parliament supporting you” and Kerie Receveur wished him “good luck”. However, Tim Poole simply said, “please don’t”.

Anthony Peart said: “On one hand I hope you are successful, on the other you are a very good constituency MP who mixes practicality and personal conviction (and a sane voice in the maelstrom of Brexit lunacy).”

Lincolnshire Conservatives 4 Europe said: “Seriously your kind have already sounded the death knell for our party, don’t taint the office of speaker as well. Lincolnshire may be iscolated Conservatives fiefdoms, but your insular views are dead and dying even here. Try and at least do one honourable thing in your life.”

Patrick Heren said: “If elected you will restore the honour and gravity of the Speakership. I can’t think of a better candidate.”

Councillor Andrew Schrader said: “Wish you the best of luck, Sir Edward. Can I ask, what’s your attitude to formal dress of the Speaker? Recognise this is an esoteric point but feel current Speaker’s unilateral decision to scrap traditional costume did much to diminish prestige of the speakership.”

@GoldBailey said: “This person is my MP. I can only assume he cares more about his own ambition than he does about his constituents. Tell me Eddie, what have you done for the people of Gainsborough, not necessarily the rich farmers that are in your pocket.”

@bevs73 said: “I can confirm that after voting for you for many years within Gainsborough, and what you and the rest of your remainder buddies have done to this country, I will along with many others be voting for the Brexit Party to get you out of your safe seat; your a turn coat sir.”

@rogerzilla said: “The gammons’ gammon. I think he will literally explode if his blood pressure goes up another point.”

Joshua Johnson said: “You look like you comb your hair, unlike the last bloke, so I wish you well.”