October 30, 2019 2.36 pm This story is over 60 months old

Developer ploughs ahead with new Dunston Potato Store housing plans

The applicant has returned with fewer houses and new allotments

A developer is back before North Kesteven District Council with plans to turn former agricultural buildings into new homes – and this time they’re planting some community seeds.

Applicants Munks Agricultural Contractors originally wanted to clear the site of the former Potato Store, on Back Lane, in Dunston, to build 15 homes, but was rejected by councillors due to the size and scale of the development.

This time, the developer is asking for nine homes, but is also including a potential of eight community allotments.

“The redevelopment of the site would provide significant enhancements to the character and appearance of the settlement by improving the visual amenity of the site through good design, to accord and blend more appropriately with the character, layout, scale and form of the existing built form within the village,” say the documents.

The new layout for the former Potato Store in Dunston.

They add that it “will provide wide ranging social and environmental benefits from the provision of community allotments”.

The developer still plans to remove the existing building and materials from the site, and says this will be at significant cost.

Documents before the authority argue that the site is in an appropriate location and forms part of the existing footprint of the village.

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