October 23, 2019 5.03 pm This story is over 58 months old

Furious holidaymakers lose precious memories to new caravan rules

Caravaners are not happy

Holidaymakers in Skegness are furious after being told that their caravans will be taken off the site if they are over 20-years-old.

Kingfisher Caravan Park, Ingoldmells, is trying to impose new rules on its residents which also means that any caravans over 15-years-old will be subject to a £100 annual inspection.

Residents also claim to be left in the dark about the inspection criteria but have been told that if they fail then their caravan will be removed from the site.

Sophie Waite, a 26-year-old and mother of three-year-old Joeby, told Lincolnshire Reporter that the new rules are robbing her of her precious memories.

The caravan is in good nick. Photo: Connor Creaghan for Lincolnshire Reporter

“I had a surprise pregnancy and went into labour in this very caravan,” Sophie said while pointing out the sofa she was sat on at the time.

“We have been on the site for the past five years and have so many memories here but they will all be taken away because they think the caravan is too old.

“It isn’t like the caravan is in a state. We are always redecorating and replacing any old furniture so it is in a really good condition, it’s so frustrating.”

It’s full of precious memories. Photo: Connor Creaghan for Lincolnshire Reporter

The changes will leave families like Sophie’s in a difficult position because other caravan sites are often reluctant to take on older caravans.

Steve Walmsley, a local parish councillor, also told Lincolnshire Reporter that the caravan residents had fought off the rule two times before in 2009 and 2017.

He said: “It is absolutely ridiculous. There are war heroes, the elderly and young families on this site being bullied by the management here but we are going to fight it.

“It’s all part of East Lindsey District Council’s (ELDC) plans to put two hundred rental caravans on the site.

“The only problem for them is that there isn’t enough space, so this rule change will make the space available to them.”

The Kingfisher Caravan Park. Photo: Connor Creaghan for Lincolnshire Reporter

ELDC is behind the new rules and said that they intended to modernise the caravan site.

A spokesperson said: “Following a review of how the holiday park operates, the council has agreed to implement a series of changes that will be of benefit to both the long term sustainability of the park and licence holders.

“Whilst this will mean that those licencees with older caravans who wish to remain on the park, will need to upgrade their caravans, in doing so they will be entitled to a multi-year licence agreement as opposed to the current annual licence which they site their caravan under.”

Jordan Hughill also lives on the Kingfisher Caravan Park and set up a petition on Friday, October 18 to tell the council to “keep their hands off.”

After just a few days the petition has already been signed over 3,000 times at the time of writing.

He also told Lincolnshire Reporter: “I am disgusted. I bought my caravan from the site back in March and was told that there would be no problem with its age.

“Now just a few months down the line they have changed their mind and there doesn’t seem to be anything that I can do about it.”