October 18, 2019 3.45 pm This story is over 56 months old

Young driver banned after high speed police chase crash

Two pedestrians needed to jump out of the way

A young and dangerous driver broke the speed limit by over 40mph during a police chase before crashing into a ditch.

Officers followed Sam Teft in his Ford Fiesta at around 7pm on August 16 after it flashed up on the police system that the car he was driving had no insurance.

The 24-year-old sped along rural roads only coming to a stop after the car careered into a ditch in Old Leake Commonside, Lincoln Crown Court heard.

Phil Howes, prosecuting, said a police officer saw Teft driving his Ford Fiesta to go past him out of Old Leake and the officer chased after it.

He said that the weather was overcast and it was raining, but Teft accelerated at speeds up to 70mph to go through 30mph areas.

During the chase, he also overtook another car dangerously on a bend causing two pedestrians to jump off the road.

He added that after passing the Butchers Arms pub at Old Leaks Commonside, the car went through a gate into a field and, although the driver tried to brake in the mud, the car slid 250 metres into a ditch.

Officers found Teft in the passenger seat. He was abusive and smelling of beer and the officer saw an opened can of lager in the car.

No breath test could be given at the scene and Teft was taken to Boston Pilgrim Hospital for a check up, where he was asked to provide a blood sample for analysis, but he refused.

Teft, of Main Road, Wrangle admitted driving dangerously, failing to stop for the police, driving not in accordance with his licence and without insurance, failing to provide a sample of blood for analysis and possession of cannabis.

During the interview Teft said he had drunk six to seven pints and took the decision to “boot it” when he saw the police.

Terry Boston, mitigating, told the court Teft had co-operated fully with the police and had no previous convictions.

Passing sentence Recorder William Harbage QC told Teft: “This was a disgraceful incident.”

But the Recorder added that in his view the dangerous driving did not quite pass the custodial threshold.

Teft was sentenced to an 18-month community order and was banned from driving for 12 months.

He must also complete 150 hours of unpaid work and take an extended re-test.