January 10, 2020 3.31 pm This story is over 55 months old

Heroic Boston shop worker disarms knifepoint robber

He was desperate for money to feed his family

A man who was disarmed by a heroic shop worker as he tried to a rob a Boston store at knifepoint was jailed on Friday for two years.

Adam Clifton, 32, slashed the air with the knife in the direction of the shop worker after entering Cooper’s Food and Drink store in Red Lion Street shortly after 9pm on October 15.

Lincoln Crown Court heard Clifton approached the till area and showed that he had a knife in his waistband, after knocking over some bottles of water which had been used to prop open the entrance to the store.

Lisa Hardy, prosecuting, said Clifton then produced the knife which the male shop worker described being moved in a slashing motion.

In his statement the shop worker said he would have made contact with the knife if he had not taken a step backwards.

He also remembered Clifton shouting “give me your cash” and “open the till.”

Miss Hardy said the shop worker managed to punch Clifton who immediately fell to the floor.

The shop worker then managed to move Clifton towards the toilet area where he was held in a bear hug until others arrived.

Miss Hardy said Clifton did not try to escape or offer any violence and clearly suffered further injuries.

“He explained he had children and just needed the money,” Miss Hardy added.

The court heard Clifton was still on prison licence for a previous robbery in Boston when he committed the offence.

Neil Sands, mitigating, told the court Clifton had been desparate for money to feed his family after losing his job that weekend.

Clifton, of no fixed address, admitted offences of attempted robbery and possessing a bladed article on October 15.

Passing sentence, Recorder Patrick Upward QC told Clifton the attempted robbery could have been much worse if the shop worker had not been so resilient.