February 28, 2020 5.07 pm This story is over 59 months old

‘Resident permits would kill vibrant independent trade in Lincoln Bailgate’

A lifeline for Bailgate businesses?

Business owners on Lincoln’s Bailgate fear planned changes to create a new residents permit scheme could see shops close.

The changes have been requested by residents and would take place between Newport and the junction with Westgate.

It would mean residents have parking priority, while uphill shoppers would have to find somewhere else to leave their vehicles.

Bailgate, Lincoln

Several business owners described the area as a “village within Lincoln City Centre” – complete with butchers, bakers, a post office and other amenities.

They said the changes would limit the amount of spaces visitors can use to pop to the shops and would result in independent shops closing.

The Bailgate Area Guild is asking customers and residents to fill in a survey available at shops in the area.

Nicola Lockwood from the Bailgate Area Guild. Photo: Daniel Jaines

Nicola Lockwood, chairman of the guild said: “We know a lot of our customers are people from the local area but are too far away to walk. They utilise parking spaces on a regular basis because it’s convenient and are popping in several times a week.

“They’re using the chemist, the post office butchers, greengrocers while also at the same time picking up birthday cards, presents, having a coffee and meeting friends – there’s a lot you can do in an hour and they see them as their local shops.

“If you were living in a village, you wouldn’t be expecting to pay to pop to your local shops.

“It would have a serious detrimental effect on the businesses”.

Fiona Purkiss, of Midas Arts. Photo: Daniel Jaines

Fiona Purkiss, from Midas Arts, said shops in the area “would not survive without customers using them.

“It’s going to disadvantage thousands of Lincoln people and local businesses and put the entire Bailgate under risk if these retail shops closed.

“I don’t think they’ve really considered the rest of the community in the bigger picture.”

Melanie Braithwaite, from F.P. Watson. Photo: Daniel Jaines

Melanie Braithwaite, from F.P. Watson which has been in the area more than 100 years, said if the scheme went ahead “nobody wins”.

“There are a lot of people in this area who don’t have cars, who like to be able to walk to the shops as well. And that would impact on them if we all have to close down,” she said.

Several businesses also pointed out that residents would have purchased their homes knowing about the parking situation.

Lincolnshire County Council is due to launch a four-week consultation on the plans on behalf of the City of Lincoln Council in April or May.

Simon Walters, Director of Communities and Environment at City of Lincoln Council said: “Lincolnshire County Council is about to launch a second phase of consultation with statutory consultees on residents’ parking in the Bailgate.

“We await, with interest, the outcome of this consultation and the county council’s views on the results.”

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