March 26, 2020 2.52 pm This story is over 58 months old

Dog tied to a tree and left for dead in woodland

Butch was found near Scunthorpe

A Staffordshire Bull Terrier was left for dead after being abandoned and tied to a tree in woodland in Scunthorpe.

The blue/grey dog named Butch was found emaciated in a large area of woodland in north-west Scunthorpe known as Atkinsons Warren at around 5pm on Wednesday, March 18. He was found by a dog walker after their pet had strayed from the path and into the secluded area.

When Butch was discovered, his back legs were collapsing and the dog walker rushed him to a local vet, where the RSPCA were called to investigate. The 12-year-old dog was found to be very underweight at just 15.5kg and the vet believed this was down to a lack of adequate nutrition.

The RSPCA said Butch may not have survived much longer had he not been found when he was.

Butch is now in the care of one of the RSPCA’s private boarding kennels, where he has a comfy warm bed and is being fed gradually to build his strength back up. He is already making a good recovery.

An RSPCA inspector said Butch may not have survived much longer had he not been found. Photo: RSPCA

RSPCA inspector Dan Bradshaw said: “It’s shocking that somebody would deliberately abandon a dog clearly in poor health in an area so secluded there was a good chance he might not have been found.

“Butch was totally emaciated, he’s one of the thinnest dogs I have ever seen and his back legs were giving way because he was so skinny.

“When the vet examined Butch they found he was actually microchipped, which revealed he is 12-years-old.

“Shockingly, it also showed that when he was first registered as a puppy, Butch weighed 25kg, however, as an adult dog in his current condition, he weighs just 15.5kg, which shows just how underweight he is. The vet believes there is no reason for this other than a lack of adequate nutrition.

“He’s very lucky that the dog walker came across him, he may not have survived much longer.”

Butch is now in the care of one of the RSPCA’s private boarding kennels. Photo: RSPCA

The inspector is also keen to find out where Butch came from and who owns him. Anyone with information should contact him in confidence on the inspector appeal line by calling 0300 123 8018.

Meanwhile, the RSPCA is providing an emergency-only service to animals through the coronavirus crisis – click here for more information.