March 23, 2020 3.16 pm This story is over 51 months old

Lincoln Cathedral to glow blue in support of NHS

Clap for carers

Lincoln Cathedral will become a blue beacon above the city to show solidarity with the NHS and its frontline staff during the coronavirus pandemic.

The colour of the iconic building will change from Thursday, March 26 to coincide with a movement across the country to “Clap for our carers’ at 8pm.

The Very Revd Christine Wilson, Dean of Lincoln, said that it was hoped that the move would both demonstrate the city’s appreciation for all NHS staff, and act as a reminder that everyone should do everything in their power to support them.

She said: “NHS staff and all those working tirelessly to deliver vital services are very much in our prayers, and this is a very visual way to remind them of that and show them our heartfelt thanks for all that they continue to do.

“Light is an important symbol in Christian life, and by turning the Cathedral blue for an evening we are sharing our faith that the light of Christ shines in the darkness and love overcomes fear.

“These are challenging times and as it becomes increasingly important to spend more time physically apart, it is more important than ever to connect with people in different ways.”

Public workshops are not taking place at the Cathedral during social distancing, but the clergy maintains a daily patten of prayer on behalf of all.

The team are also making resources available on the website here so that people can worship at home. .

‘Clap for our carers’ has been widely shared on social media with the tag #clapforourcarers.

It encourages people to show appreciation to NHS workers by standing on their doorstep or balcony at 8pm on Thursday 26 March. It follows similar initiatives in Italy, France and Spain.