March 20, 2020 1.46 pm This story is over 57 months old

Plans for 386 new homes in Metheringham submitted

A total of 25% of the homes would be classed as affordable.

Plans for a 386 home development in Metheringham have been submitted to North Kesteven District Council.

JCO Developments wants to build the new homes, along with internal roads, off Sleaford Road and Dunston Road.

In documents submitted to the council, the applicant said the plans will “create a sustainable and well-designed extension to the village”.

They promoted the use of sustainable drainage systems and adequate parking.

A total of 25% of the homes would be classed as affordable.

Designs for how the site could be laid out.

They said the development could bring an extra £8milllion spending power. from new residents

A play area will also be included at the centre of the site.

“The application would meet the underpinning aims and objectives of [planning policies] when considered in the round, particularly the government’s commitment to bring about a step-change in the delivery of housing,” said the developer.

“There are understood to be no significant adverse impacts which arise from the application that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh [the] benefits of additional market and affordable housing.”

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