April 7, 2020 9.45 am This story is over 50 months old

Lincolnshire leaders’ messages to Prime Minister in intensive care

Mr Johnson was taken to intensive care on Monday

Council leaders have been sending their well-wishes to Prime Minister Boris Johnson after he was moved into intensive care.

Downing Street  confirmed Mr Johnson, 55, had been taken to the unit at St Thomas’ Hospital on the advice of his medical team.

He was diagnosed with coronavirus 11 days ago.

He had been admitted to St Thomas’ Hospital in London on Sunday evening after some of his symptoms worsened.

Mr Johnson was given oxygen late Monday afternoon and was moved so that he could be close to a ventilator – but reports so far say this has not had to be used.

Lincolnshire County Council leader councillor Martin Hill said: “We have all been shocked by yesterday’s news that our PM Boris Johnson is now in intensive care with continued symptoms of coronavirus.

“We are wishing him a full recovery and thank him for working so hard in the country’s interest, even at the risk to his own health.

“It certainly brings home to us the importance of following government’s instructions, particularly regarding social distancing, so that we can get through this successfully together.”

He was joined by other councillors across the county in wishing the PM a quick recovery, including  South Kesteven District Council leader Kelham Cooke, who said: “He’s in great hands in the NHS, thanks to everyone on the front line

“Remember all, #stayhome and #staysafe. It’s not only the vulnerable this virus can affect.”

East Lindsey District Council leader Craig Leyland, said: “From whatever walk of life you are, from whatever religion, race or political view, I wish you well.

“There is no distinction. My thoughts today are with the PM and his family and all families.”

West Lindsey District Council leader Giles McNeill said: “Thoughts with his family, friends and loved ones and the families of everyone affected by #Covid_19 caused by the #coronavirus.”

Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones also tweeted his well wishes, adding: “Thoughts with his family and the families of everyone affected by this hideous virus.”

Ministers are set to meet for a daily Covid-19 meeting later this morning, with Dominic Raab, who has been deputised in the PM’s stead, sitting in the chair.

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