April 9, 2020 10.01 am This story is over 50 months old

Man groomed teen girl with learning difficulties and got her pregnant

He has now been sentenced

*Lincolnshire Police will not be releasing a picture of the defendant

A man who had sex with a vulnerable young girl resulting in her becoming pregnant was jailed at Lincoln Crown Court on Wednesday.

Damian Bavister targeted the girl and groomed her before having sex with her.

Gurdial Singh, prosecuting, said that the offence came to light after it was discovered that the teenage girl was pregnant.

The girl, who has learning difficulties, later underwent a termination.

Subsequent DNA testing provided “strong” evidence that Bavister was the father.

Mr Singh said that when Bavister was interviewed by police he denied the offence telling officers he was unable to have an erection. However, checks on his iPhone provided evidence of his contact with the girl and an interest he had in teen sex.

Damian Bavister, 31, of no fixed address but living in the Grantham area at the time of the offence, admitted a charge of sexual activity with a child between June 1 and July 3, 2019.

He was jailed for six years and placed on the sex offenders’ register for life. He was also given an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

Judge Simon Hirst, passing sentence, told him: “You specifically targeted a particularly vulnerable child and you groomed her.”

Charlotte Kenny, in mitigation, said: “His time on remand in custody has been a period of reflection for him.

“He is very remorseful and he feels genuine guilt for the pain and upset he has caused.”

She said that Bavister, who has no previous convictions, suffers from post traumatic stress disorder as a result of physical and emotional abuse as a child and at the time of the offence he was awaiting treatment.