May 19, 2020 10.31 am This story is over 49 months old

Lincolnshire testing site can cope with extra demand, says health leader

Eligibility has been widened

Health bosses are confident Lincolnshire’s testing capacity will cope with an influx of potential coronavirus patients following the addition of new eligibility criteria and symptoms.

The government yesterday allowed anyone over the age of five with symptoms to book a test.

Medical experts also added the loss of taste and smell to the official list of symptoms to look for when considering if you have coronavirus.

Deputy director of public health at Lincolnshire County Council Tony McGinty said the widening of eligibility was a “good indication that we are more competent in our testing capacity and capability.

“Obviously there are a number of benefits to being tested. For example, if you know you have the infection, you will absolutely know that you need to restrict your movements and your household movements to protect other people,” he said.

“So there’s a real benefit in undertaking testing in terms of avoiding unnecessary isolation of yourself, your children and your household.”

He expected an upturn in the amount of testing being carried out as people saw the latest news.

“We are confident that we have the capacity,” he said.

“We’re running lots of testing still and we have the ability to call up more testing with support from the Ministry of Defence.”

Bosses had not received a weekly report on the number of tests carried out at the showground, however, said that over the weekend they had been carrying out between 100-200 a day at mobile units over the past two weeks.