July 3, 2020 12.44 pm This story is over 54 months old

Only one in five Lincolnites feel safe going back to the pub

80% don’t feel ready for a pub return

By Local Democracy Reporter

Some 80% of people in Lincoln won’t be heading to the pub this weekend due to fears of a second wave of COVID-19, according to a survey.

Health and safety company Protecting.co.uk conducted on an online poll to see how Lincoln residents felt about the pubs returning on July 4.

Of the 980 people who took the poll locally, just one in five were comfortable and ready to go out for pints again.

Social distancing measures will be put in place at all pubs, as well as customers having their contact details kept on record for 21 days, in line with coronavirus test and trace.

Comments from the online poll suggested that it doesn’t feel safe enough yet, as well as the added hassle of check-ins at the door and handing over contact details.

Mark Hall from Protecting.co.uk said: “A lot of people have missed taking part in social activities during lockdown, but they’ve also taken on board the advice given to them about social distancing.

“So I think as much as people want to relax and hang out with their friends, they are feeling a bit apprehensive about it.

“Our poll shows that people don’t want to take the risk just for a sake of a cheeky couple of pints.”

See our full list of pubs and our list of restaurants in Lincoln reopening this weekend.